Wednesday, October 21, 2009

It's not nice to say I told you so.....

Every time I leave my house, something bad happens.  Maybe it's a self-fulfilling prophecy.  Or maybe it's just bad luck.  I'm not sure...... doesn't matter.  It's been happening for several years now and I'm almost getting used to it. 

I just got back from a fabulous trip to New England to see my father's side of the family.  My uncle was celebrating his 80th (!!)birthday and his family decided to surprise him with a party.   I love that side of the family.  There's always laughter and happiness and lots of jokes when they are together.  I always hear new stories about the 3 brothers and the baby sister and I always have a great time. 

Two days into my trip, I found out the Nado got sick with the Swine Flu.  I had a feeling it was coming since his football teammate was stricken the previous week.  For you non-football moms out there, there is lots of sharing and close contact on the football team.  It makes me shudder, but what's a mom to do?  Anyway, it happened and I was hundreds of miles away when my baby got sick.  Loads of mom guilt.  Loads.  Hubby stepped up though and made everything ok.  The Nado seems to be on the mend and all is right with the world again.  Crisis averted.

I had three legs on my journey home:  Hartford to Orlando, Plane change in Orlando and then on to Houston, Houston to Tulsa.  Yeah, didn't make sense to me either, but I had to go where they took me!  I landed in Orlando and sent off a quick text to Hubby that I was "halfway" home.  I put my phone "safely" in my jacket pocket and proceeded to deplane.  My plan was to stretch my legs, buy a new bottle of water, pit stop in the bathroom and call Hubby (as preplanned) before I had to start boarding the next flight.   Plans change.  Oh, I was able to accomplish most of my plan, except for the call Hubby part.  Apparently, my jacket pocket turned out to be not so safe afterall.  That's when panic set in.  I had approximately 20 minutes to find my phone before leaving Orlando.  I won't bore you with the details of my running around frantically but suffice it to say that I got on my next flight without my phone.  This story has a happy ending though.  I want to thank the two teenage girls who sat next to me on my flight to Houston who allowed me to use their phone to text Hubby with the bad news, the honest person in Orlando who found my phone and turned it into Southwest Airlines and lastly, Southwest Airlines who Fed Ex'd my phone back to me safe and sound.  Another crisis averted! 

Beautiful photo ops were abundant on my trip.  I'll share a few before signing off. 

Thursday, October 1, 2009


It's upon us.  Football. Leaves. Cool temps. Wind. Halloween. Sweaters.

I'll miss summer, I always do.  I'm usually in a state of depression a full week before we close the pool for the winter.  We've lived here for 19 years now so you'd think I'd be used to it.  I guess I am just not good at cold weather.  I'm a big baby and I just like to be warm!

I'll miss going on photo shoots in the evenings on our property.  Oh, there are a few photo opportunities in the winter time.  We do get some snow but it doesn't last very long.  It's usually just cold and dreary.  Did I mention I hate to be cold?  It's no fun taking pictures when you can't feel your fingers.  Or your toes.  Or your ears.  I'd much rather be sitting poolside shooting the Nado in the pool.  Actually, I really rather be sitting on the beach shooting Nado in the ocean, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. 

I suppose I'll just have to harass the animals with my camera inside the house for a few months.  I don't think the dog cares anymore.  Nado sees me coming and locks himself in his room.  Winter is no fun....


Monday, September 14, 2009

A New Journey

I've decided to see what all this bloggin' stuff is about and start one of my own. I figure it will give me a place to rant, rave and vent, post some photos and maybe even do some cooking too. Heck, we'll just see how it goes!

For now, I'll tell you a little bit about myself. I am a 40-something, happily married, mom of 3 living in Oklahoma. I am originally from Florida and Hubby and I hope to move back one day after his retirement. Hmm, can't wait!

My oldest, Bub, is a junior in college and is currently majoring in Graphic Design. He is terribly artistically talented (gets that from his mother!) and I have high hopes and big dreams for him. I love his intelligence and his sense of humor and he's pretty good lookin' too.

My middle child, Spiffy, is a freshman in college and her current major is Elementary Education. She's waffling on changing her major at the moment but I am confident she will figure it all out. She puts the sunshine in my sky and she has a smile that could knock you over.

My baby, *Nado (as in tornado), is a 7th grader. He's turned out to be quite the sports kid and I love watching him make those great plays. He is smart and funny and can be so sweet and considerate.

Last but not least, my Hubby. I need a few pages to describe him! He's the Yin to my Yang. I'm the Type A, he's Type Z. I am excitable and anxious, he's calm and collected. You get the picture! We've been married over 21 years and it just works....and I am so grateful that I have him.

And me. Well, I am just a simple girl. I love to take pictures, cook and take care of my home and family. I love to be at home, but I do enjoy traveling sometimes too. I think this might be a fun journey!