Thursday, October 1, 2009


It's upon us.  Football. Leaves. Cool temps. Wind. Halloween. Sweaters.

I'll miss summer, I always do.  I'm usually in a state of depression a full week before we close the pool for the winter.  We've lived here for 19 years now so you'd think I'd be used to it.  I guess I am just not good at cold weather.  I'm a big baby and I just like to be warm!

I'll miss going on photo shoots in the evenings on our property.  Oh, there are a few photo opportunities in the winter time.  We do get some snow but it doesn't last very long.  It's usually just cold and dreary.  Did I mention I hate to be cold?  It's no fun taking pictures when you can't feel your fingers.  Or your toes.  Or your ears.  I'd much rather be sitting poolside shooting the Nado in the pool.  Actually, I really rather be sitting on the beach shooting Nado in the ocean, but that's not going to happen anytime soon. 

I suppose I'll just have to harass the animals with my camera inside the house for a few months.  I don't think the dog cares anymore.  Nado sees me coming and locks himself in his room.  Winter is no fun....


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